Board of Directors of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov

Administrative board:

Administrative board chairman - Petr Peřina resides in České Budějovice, Boženy Němcové 12

Administrative board secretary - Pavel Slavko resides in Český Krumlov, Zámek 59

  • Vladimír Darjanin - resides in Praha1, Valdštejnská 4/150
  • Václav Mikule - resides in Praha 10, Mládežnická 3602/4
  • Josef Zbořil - resides in Český Krumlov, 5. května 275
  • Pavel Stanislav Jinek - born 16th January 1945 in Prague, resides in Holland, 2597 JL s-Gravenhage, Kwekerijweg 17 B

Supervisory board:

Supervisory board chairman - František Jenerál resides in Český Krumlov, Polní 248

  • Vratislav Kulhánek resides in České Budějovice, Janáčkova 5
  • Petr Pavelec resides in České Budějovice, J. Bendy 23
  • Václav Straka resides in České Budějovice, Litvínovická 10a

Further information :
Funds Raised by the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Mission of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Projects of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Sponsors, Supporters and Friends of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Statute of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Annual Report of the Foundation of Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov 1998