Mission of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov

The Baroque theatre foundation is the only one granting foundation in the South Bohemia. Its mission given by its statute is mainly in supporting of projects related to salvation, renovation and revitalization of Chateau and Castle Český Krumlov, particularly chateau baroque theatre. Because foundation realises historic importance of the chateau as politic or economic center or center of the culture interest, it uses for its work historic parallels. Fund mission is than support of town and region Český Krumlov as well, support of democratization processes during creating the civic society in town Český Krumlov.

foundation take active part in projects which are related to presentation of place - one of the most famous is the OIS. Members of supervisory and directive board of the foundation come from important branches of professional and social life of Czech Republic.

Since 2000 set the foundation grant projects. Their bases are two programs : professional and social. There are prepared concrete topics of grants in both of them. Topics and grant rules are available at www.foundation.ckrumlov.cz

Further information :
Castle Theater in Český Krumlov
Projects of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Sponsors, Supporters and Friends of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Statute of the Foundation of the Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov
Annual Report of the Foundation of Baroque Theater in Český Krumlov 1998